Thanks for your questions!
Sia answers your questions
After the Soup Drop Webinar, Sia has gone through all the questions that were asked and here she has answered the most popular and relevent questions.
Is your skin care range suitable for sensitive skin?
Absolutley! We re not born with sensistive skin, we generally create it through the use of multiple chemicals and constant exfoliation through acids and scrubs. The Clinicals range is formultated to with a high concentration of powerful anti inflammatories and contains no nasties that would contribute to sensitivity. As they are 'Chiral' meaning purified, you skin will recognise all active ingredients and happily take them one without irritation.
Does everyone need a different routine/product range based on their skin type?
Yes but ALL skin will require certain main active ingredients no matter their ski type. As the skin is an organ, just like we need to eat certain vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, some of us may become or are depleted in some of these. We are able to formultate serums for what it is that that particular skin would require based on age, concerns and symptoms. For example, an oily skin requires less lipid to a normal combination skin. A skin under the age of 35 is generally water dry whereas a skin over the age of 35 may become oil dry.
What is one of the worst products/gimmicks/advice you've ever heard during your time in the skin/beauty industry?
I would have to say that prescription Retinoc Acid has to be one of the worst active ingredient to use. It became popular in the 80s and Drs started prescibing it to their patients frequently. As this is the active form of Vit A, it forces our skin cells into regeneration when it may not be the correct time for this. Woman started to see rapid results in there skin however after 12 months of use they started to notice redness, sensitivity, thinning and pigmentation come up in their skin. This form of active vit A is extremely photosensitising as it doesnt allow the skin to form the very top layer of our Epidermis allowing UV to enter and moisture loss out of the skin. Now don't get me wrong, we most definately need Vit A in our skincare routone, it's one of the most important, however we should be using it in the form of Retinol, which is the precursor to retinoic acid. This allows our skin to amke the decision if it is required immediately or can be stored for future need.
Is it ever too late to repair damaged skin?
It is never too. late, however the longer you leave it the harder it will be to reverse and repair that existing damage. However using the right active ingredients in the correct form will slowly but surely correct or minimise skin damage and slow down and prevvent further damage.
What products would you recommend for a pre-teen who is already starting to get the occasional break out?
Just as it's never too late, it is neer too early to start protecting and looking after our skin. As they say prevention is better than cure. The most vital skincare product any toddler-pre teen can use is a physical sunblock on a daily basis. I have generally noticed that around the age of 10-12 some pre teens may stat to get bumps or congestion in their skin. This is when I recommend simply starting them on a facial cleanser morning and night in conjunction with their daily Sunblock. Once they start to move into puberty and have breakouts, I recommend using and antibacterial and sebum regulator morning and night. This is to hopefully prevent more breakouts and possible scarring.
Generally how long would they last if I used everyday?
The Clinicals skincare products can last anywhere from 6-7 weeks if used as prescribed.
You said you don't need to exfoliate, how would I get rid of my blackheads?
When it comes to exfoliation, our skin actually has the ability to do this on it's own. The only time one would need to exfoliate, and we recommend this with fruit enzymes and not harsh acids or scrubs, is if they had extremely oily/acne skin. Due to the excessive oil the skin cells become stuck on the skin and this is where gentle exfoliation is required. If you are suffering from blackheads, this is generally cause from dirt, creams and makeup becoming pushed and stuck into our pores from the outside in. Which means, your existing cleanser is not removing dirt or product, or you are blocking your pores daily. The Clinicals range will eventually stop you getting blackheads as you won't be causing them anymore.
How do I know which products are right for my skin type?
We have an amazing online skin video that can walk you through your age and skin concerns to determine which products and programmes are best suited for you. If you still are unsure you can alwayws book an online consultation is me.
Are these products suitable for men too?
Absolutely! Skin is Skin. Mens skin is thicker than ours, and this is why they generally age better but they still require the same vitamins, active, nutrients, peptides and minerals. Imagine how much younger they would look if they did look after thier skin.
How much does gut health play a role in our skin?
I call our skin the communicator. It has many functions and one of those is, it's a detox organ. What ever we don't detox through our gut, we will detox through our skin. This is where for example Celiacs purge the gluten out of the skin and presents as sores. Also, if your internal system is inflammed it generally shows up in our skin as redness. So getting our gut pH levels under control and calming all internal inflammation is also key to healthy skin. I have a mineral supplement that supports this and is also found in our connective tissue, which is our Collagen and Elastin, so hair skin and nails. This is why it's known as the beauty mineral. I've called mine Pure pHix. It helps regulate irregular pH levels in our gut, it prevents all internal inflammation, which is great for anyone with an auto immune condition too and support your entire connective tissues. Taking this mineral supplement daily will absolutely assist with your body and skin ageing.
I react to alot of skincare products. Do you offer testers?
As my Clinicals skincare range is chiral, which means purified, you wont require a tester to see whether or not you have a reaction to the proucts. This only occurs when you use products that have not been purified, have chemicals or fragrance in them. This 'reaction' we generally experience come from your skin cells trying to take on an unrecognised ingredient and haveing an adverse reaction. So this is impossible with our range. However you can have an allergic reaction to product, if it contains an ingredient you are allergic too. This usually presents as tiny little breakouts that are itchy and generally happens within 24hrs.
How can I tell if these products are working?
As the Clinicals products have the ability to reach the dermal layer of our skin, you would literally be able to see your skins imporvments within 2 weeks, just by looking in the mirror. However we have a online Skin Diary that monitors your progress with photos using our Skin Ring light and a weekly questionare to manage your skin progress. Seeing is believing!
What acctive ingredients are most vital for skin health?
Well there are so many, however if I had to choose 3 main actives, they would have to be, Retinol, Hyaluronic acid and 1,3 Beta Glucan. Just these 3 are vital in skin management, repair, reprogamming and regeneration. All our PM serums contain Retinol and 90% of all the serums contain Hyaluronic acid, which binds moisture to our skin cells and 1,3 Beta Glucan triggers macraphage activity for skin cells that are incharge of managing our skin functions and also clearing away scar tissue,debre and excess pigmentaitron.
Are the products anti cruelty and Australian made?
100% We are completey anti animal cruelty. They also conatin no animal bi products so they are vegan.The Clinicals range is Australian formulated and owned.
I struggle with using suncreen and always have a reaction to them. What suncreen do you recommend?
Using a daily sunblock is vital and the most important product when it comes to protecting your skin and its health. Firstly we need to understand that we should be using a PHYSICAL SUNBLOCK and not a chemical sunscreen. Suncrenns will generally conatin synthetic sunblockers and still allow a certain amount of UVA/UVB & VC into our skin. Some of them even penetrate the skin to remove the white appearance but a Sunblock should never pennatrate. It should sit on top of the skin and prevent UV pennatration. Another key factor is understanding that UV causes free radical damage to our skin cells so when using a Sunblock it should most definately coatain anti oxidants to prevent this. Zinc and titanium are the ONLY 2 physical sunblockers and safe to use on our skin. Especially in the Australian climate, wearing a physical sunblock on a daily basis will not only protect your skin but slow down the aging process. The reason I say daily, yes even when it's overcast, raining or winter, is that most of the sundamage to our skin comes not from when we know we are exposed, like going to the beach, but rather as soon as we are outdoors. UV doesnt stop just because you are not on the beach.
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